Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Japan Trip: Osaka Castle and Its Time Capsule

Going to Osaka won't feel complete if you didn't visit Osaka Castle. That's why I decided to visit this famous landmark of Osaka. My travelling friends and I went to the castle using subway and stopped in Tanimachi 4-chrome Station. The exit gate of the station is not really close to the castle, but there were many signs that guided us to the castle. Since the castle is huge, you can even see it from far away.

To enter the castle, we had to pass many layers. The outer side of the castle complex is the huge walking area, then the walking area get smaller and smaller until we really getting close to the castle. One cute thing that we found in the walking area was a fat cat who just sat in the park. He didn't bother with people who passed by or took his photos.

walking area before entering Otemon gate

the shady and beautiful walking area after Otemon gate

in front of Sakuramon gate

the fluffy and fatty creature who sat quietly in the walking are

Before arrived at the castle,  we walked in front of the former Osaka Castle Museum. This place was used as museum during 1960 to 2001.

the former Osaka Castle Museum

Then we arrived in front of the castle. In front of the castle, there was a time capsule buried 15 meters beneath the monument, in 1971. Actually there are 2 identical capsules were buried in it. The upper capsule will be opened at the beginning of every century, and the lower are remain unopened until the year 6970. The capsules contain 2,098 cultural assets of the 20th century, selected with the cooperation of the people of Japan and those from all over the world are stoned in the special metal container. Constructed with the latest technology. Hoping for never-ending world peace and prosperity. The Manichi Newspaper and Matsushita Electric Co. Ltd. (who buried these capsules) bequeath these two capsules to the people living 5000 years from the time of burial.

in front of Osaka Castle and its time capsule

the time capsule

description of the time capsule

Finally we enter the castle. The entrance fee was 600 yen. When entering the castle, many people queued for lift directly to 8th floor. Because we didn't want to waste time queuing, we used stairs to 8th floor. Even though each floor interested us, but we insisted to go upstairs first, because this museum were made to be enjoyed from top to bottom. The top floor (8th floor) is used as observatory. We can see the beautiful scenery of Osaka from above here.

entrance tickets

view from 8th floor

another view from the top

The other floors are filled with museum, which tells about the history of the Hideyoshi Toyotomi (the one who construct Osaka Castle in 1590) and His Era, The Summer War in Osaka, and the Osaka Castle History.

The Summer War in Osaka diorama

The most interesting part is in 2nd floor, where we can experience using battle surcoat and samurai helmet for 300 yen/person and take a photo with them. The helmets are vary and have different type for women and men.

ticket for trying the surcoat and helmet with the options of helmets

getting ready to battle

After finish wandering inside Osaka Castle Musuem, we took a rest by sitting at the bench outside the castle. From there, we could see a souvenir shop and many food sellers, but the most interesting view that we saw was a dogs pack using sun-glasses. It such a rare moment to see this kind of view. Kawaii!

dogs with sun-glasses

The Tourist

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