Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

Indonesia Trip: Quick Sightseeing at Blitar

Actually this I had this trip back in 2013. At that time my college friend, T, contacted me and asked me to come to her wedding in Blitar. At first I didn't think to come to Blitar since I've never been there and had no idea how to get to a wedding party in there. But when I heard that my other college friend, R, who lives in Jakarta told me that she wanted to come along, so i decided to come to Blitar with her.

We took a night train named Gajayana from Gambir train station to Blitar station. The train departed at 18.20 and we arrived at Blitar at 8.00. For our arrival, T had asked our college friend, H, to picked up us at the station. Using his small car, H drove us around Blitar and he took us to Bung Karno Museum. 

It was early in the morning so the carpark was still empty. H said that we can put our bags inside the car. H's windshield is transparent, so people can easily see what's inside the car. With the mind of Jakarta's people who quite paranoia of the theft or robbery, I asked H wheater it's safe to left the bags that way, and he said it safe. He even left the car with the windshield open. I was not sure if i can trust him or not, but it's his city anyway.

Bung Karno or also known for Soekarno, is Indonesia first president. He was norn in Blitar. So if you come to Blitar, you can see how Blitar people really idolize Soekarno. They also commercialize his name in the local's souvernir.

In Museum Bung Karno, you can see Soekarno's statue, old photos, and several items that ever been worn by him. Besides the museum, we can see Soekarno's cemetery. At that time, many peoples gather and praying at Soekarno's cemetery. 

me and R in front of Bung Karno painting

Soekarno statue

Soekarno without his fez

view from the museum to Soekarno's cemetery gate

Soekarno's Cemetery

many people still come and pray for him

view of the museum from the cemetery gate. there's a sentence on the museum roof "Bung Karno untuk Indonesia" which means "Bung Karno for Indonesia"

After visit Bung Karno's museum, H drove us to T's house to meet with the bride. We say hallo to T and then we dress up for the wedding event. T's wedding reception was on a restaurant nearby her house, so we only need to take a pedicab to take us there.

T's wedding reception

Finish with the wedding, R and I still had 3 hours before out train back to Jakarta depart. So we decided to visit Soekarno's house. This place also well known as Istana Gebang. It's located very bear to T's house so we can reach it by walk. This house is opened for tourist and it became one of Blitar's main tourist attraction.

When we're in Soekarno's house, a guide came to us and explained us about the house. She explained us about which one is Soekarno's bedroom, Megawati's bedroom (Soekarno's daughter who beame Indonesia's 5th president), the living room, and so on. The house accessories and interior were still complete. Even Soekarno's cars were still in the garage.

the house front

Soekarno's bedroom

the family's car

his other car

inside the house

Soekarno's huge painting in the living room

After visiting Soekarno's house, we took a little walk around the area, visit a random park, and then buying some souvenirs for the peoples in Jakarta. Finished with souvenirs, we walk back to T's house to grab our bags and went to Jakarta. Then T's and her new husband kindly gave us ride back to the station. 

a monument in the park

R is happily walking in the park after the rain

the train to go back to Jakarta

The trip was so quick, not even reach 24 hours. But I guess I've covered most Blitar tourist attractions. Yes, it is that small. 

The Tourist

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